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The Annual General Meeting of Phillip Island Golf Club Inc. will take place at the clubhouse, Settlement Road, Cowes on Saturday 11th November 2023, commencing at 9.30am. ORDINARY BUSINESS 1. To confirm the minutes of the previous AGM of the Club held on 5th November 2022. 2. To adopt the Annual Report of the Club for the year including the set of accounts for the year ended 30 June 2023. Questions on notice to the Treasurer are required to be submitted in writing to the Treasurer at least seven (7) days prior to the AGM. 3. To elect Members of the Club's Board and the Club's Office Bearers for the coming year. 4. To appoint the Club's auditor for the current financial year. 5. To discuss items or notices which have been submitted in writing to the Board at least seven (7) days prior to the AGM. ELECTION OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS

In accordance with the Club's Rules, nominations for the Board together with the name of the proposer and seconder must be in writing and accompanied by the Member's consent to the nomination and received in the office of the Club at least fourteen (14) days before the AGM. Nomination forms are available from the foyer entrance to the clubhouse office or may be requested, via email, to

A list of nominated candidates will be posted in the clubhouse foyer at least seven (7) days before the AGM.

Please note - 1. The Board consists of nine members - three Office Bearers comprising a Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer; four other Board members and two ex-officio members comprising the Men's Captain and the Ladies' Captain or a member of their committees.

2. Board members hold office for a term of two years whilst Office Bearers hold office for a term of one year. A retiring Board member or Office Bearer is eligible for re-election.

3. At last year's AGM, two Board members were re-elected for a two year term - Liz Gleeson and Stacey Meder. In addition, two new Board members were elected for a two year term - Greg Williams and Mark Reid. Mark Jamieson, Liz Gleeson and Greg Williams were elected as Office Bearers, Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer, for a one year term.

4. Mark Jamieson, Craig O’Neill and Ross Payne have completed their two year term as board members and are re-nominating for a position on the Board.

5. Mark Jamieson is offering himself for re-election as club Chairman, Liz Gleeson is offering herself to continue in her current role as Vice Chair and Greg Williams is offering himself for re-election as the Treasurer.

6. Therefore, under the Club's Rules, three Board memberships and the three Office Bearer positions will be declared vacant and shall be addressed at the AGM. All Club members are welcome to take up an active role in the running of our Club and are encouraged to offer their services accordingly.

Board and Office Bearer nomination forms, as well as Member Proxies (voting and / or Special Business) are available from our clubhouse office.

It should be noted that completed nomination forms must be sent, in writing, to the Club's office at least fourteen days prior to the AGM. However, completed Proxies must be forwarded to reach the Club's Chairman at least 48 hours before the AGM.


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